Thursday, March 4, 2010


The war for the island is in full swing.

Locke Monster (to Claire): Do it Claire!

Claire nods, and looks at Charlie's Drive Shaft ring. She kisses it and then inserts it into a Charlie's-Drive-Shaft-ring shaped hole, and turns it. The ground starts to rumble.

Locke Monster (to all): It's happening!
Sawyer: What's happening?
Locke Monster: This island is a volcano, James. And it's going to erupt.
Hurley: Aw crap, dude!
Sawyer: Volcano?!?
Locke Monster: Yes, James. I'm afraid this was my plan the whole time. To detonate this volcano and kill every man, woman, child, and polar bear on this island.
Sawyer: You son of a bitch!
Lapidus (to Vincent): Come with me.
Vincent: Ok, Frank.

Frank Lapidus rides Vincent to the Black Rock, where they gather up all the remaining dynamite. They quickly plant the sticks in a line from the base of the volcano to the ocean. Hiding behind a bush, Lapidus turns to Vincent.

Lapidus: You might want to clear out. Those ain't your granddaddy's firecrackers we just planted.

Close-up on Vincent's face as his paws cover his eyes.

Lapidus: Suit yourself. Here goes nothin'.

Lapidus detonates the dynamite, and the resulting explosions create a canal-like channel cut into the earth

Back at the fight, everybody watches as lava explodes out of the volcano top. Theres a 180-degree shot of Locke Monster as he watches it, smiling.

Sawyer, Jin, Hurley, Bernard, and Jack to Kate, Sun, A Bag of Chips, Rose, and Sarah, respectively: I guess we ain't got much time. I just want to say...

Miles: Wait! Something's happening!

The lava from the volcano enters Lapidus's canal, and it all flows right out into the ocean. Everyone is happy, except for Locke Monster. As ash from the volcano rains down on everyone, their faces all turn grey.

Aaron (to Shannon): Look at their faces - they're all the same!

Shannon looks around and realizes that he's right. Good, bad, black, white - everyone's face is the same grey ash color now. They're really not so different after all. Suddenly a fog horn blasts from offshore.

Jack: A boat! Let's get rescued!
Ben: No, wait!
All: Here we go again!

Suddenly Charlie appears next to Hurley.

Charlie: It's ok, mate. That IS Penny's boat.

Suddenly a hot air balloon descends onto the beach carrying Desmond, Penny, and Walt.

Desmond: Come on, brothers!

Locke Monster is stuck on the island because Iliana makes a trap by lining the entire shore of the island with the volcano's ash, so he turns into smoke and flies away.

Hurley's Dad (to camera): And I thought I smoked a lot!

Ben: Wait! There's one thing we have to do first!

They all go to the graveyard and dig up Nikki and Paulo. Dragging their rotting corpses to the caves, they lay them down next to one another. They all board the hot air balloon and are finally rescued. While ascending, Desmond says that there's too much weight; one of the 20 or so people will have to get out. Jack tells Sarah that he's sorry and jumps out and lands in the jungle, blacking out. When he wakes, he looks up to see trees and is confused. Vincent enters from the jungle and runs by him. Confused, Jack walks out onto the beach.... WHERE THE WRECKAGE OF OCEANIC FLIGHT 815 AND ITS SURVIVORS ARE, WAITING FOR HIM TO SAVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!


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