Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Series

Close Up: Jack's eye. It opens.
As the camera pulls back we see he is confused, lying in a field of grass. The audio track is muffled but the sound of waves crashing on the beach can just barely be made out.
The camera pulls back further. The sound of waves morphs into the sound of a crowd cheering. Pull back further. Jack is wearing an old fashioned Boston Red Sox uniform. Pull back even further. He is lying in center field in Fenway Park.
Cut to: Extreme Wide Shot. Fenway Park. Game 7 of the 1926 World Series. The Boston Red Sox vs The New York Giants.

As Jack tries to get his bearings the crack of a bat is heard off screen.
"Jack!" Sayid yells from right field.
Jack suddenly realizes where he is. He looks up and sees the ball screeching towards him. He knows what he has to do. He has to act, and act fast. But when Jack turns to run he is frozen in place. He is paralyzed... with fear.
But remembering the advice his father gave him Jack begins to count.

Jack sees James Ford, the League MVP and the man who has just knocked the stitching off of the ball, rounding first.
"It's a long fly ball deep to center field." It's Jacob in the announcer's booth, calling the game with the MIB.

Jack sees the scoreboard. Ninth inning. One out. Red Sox:1 Giants: 0.
"It looks like the other shoe is about to drop in the form of a home run from Ford." The MIB calls it like he sees it.

Jack sees Bernard, the manager of the Red Sox watching with bated breath as the drama unfolds.
"Come on, Jack. I know you can do this." Daniel Faraday, beat writer for the Boston Globe, watching from the stands whispers to himself.

Jack sees John Locke, manager of the Giants, and Ben Linus, the third base coach, waving Ford towards home.
"Dude..." In the owners box, Hurley, owner of the Boston Red Sox and Spike's Junkyard Dogs, looks on worriedly.

But before he can count Five Jack freezes again. Does he have what it takes? He looks out in the stands and sees Kate Austen, his wife.
"Run, Jack! Run!"
Jack snaps out of it, a grin forming on his face.
"Five." he says and takes off.

With the quickness of a gazelle, Jack sprints toward the warning track and leaps. Reaching out his glove at just the right moment and to just the right place, Jack feels the ball smack into the webbing of his glove. There will be no homerun this inning for the New York Giants.

Needless to say, the crowd goes wild.

As the rest of the Red Sox rush towards Jack in the outfield he looks out to the bleachers towards his wife.
From the stands Kate says. "I love you Jack Shephard."
"I love you too Kate. I love you because we're married."
But the happy couple are interrupted as Jack is overtaken by his teammates.

The celebration that ensues is complete with champagne, confetti, and the crowd rushing the field. But before Jack can join the party he feels a hand on his shoulder.
"Way to go tonight, champ."
Jack turns around and sees his father, Christian Shephard.

The following conversation will play over the final montage...

The Red Sox at a train platform boarding a steam engine train.
"Son. I have always been proud of you. All those times that I pushed you to practice. I did that because I knew you had what it takes."

Jack staring wistfully out of his window watching the landscape pass.
"There was never any doubt in my mind. I knew that if you just had someone to keep you on the right track you could achieve anything."

The Red Sox arriving at the white House for the traditional meeting with the President of the United States. It's Walt. The First Black President.
"But I didn't want you to start playing at first. I knew an old ball-player like myself wouldn't be able to handle his son putting on his dad's old mit. But when I looked into your eyes the day you told me you wanted to play, I knew. I knew that you could be the best in the world."

Cut back to Jack and Christian at Fenway.
"I love you, Jack. I love you so much."
"I love you too Dad. I always will."
The two men embrace.
Cut to: street corner as bundle of newspapers is thrown into frame. Gradual Zoom In.
"But we really did it, didn't we?" Jack says.
Zoom In further to see headline "Red Sox Win World Series" w/ team photo underneath.
"All those years of hard work and we finally did it."
Zoom In further to team photo showing Jack with his arm around Babe Ruth, both wearing Red Sox uniforms.
"After all these years we finally..."
Smash Cut to final title card: "WON"

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