Sunday, May 23, 2010


I guess we'll just have to find out tonight, am I right?

Friday, May 14, 2010

LOST in Translation

Jack and Sawyer and Hurley are facing the Smoke Monster.

The Smoke Monster says "Nothing can defeat me, not even the light."

"I know how to defeat you" says Manny Psihountas from the trees. In steps Manny, the character who knows all the answers.

"Gentlemen," he says, "Did you know all you had to do to kill the Smoke Monster was wish that he did not exist. The Island will listen to you."

So they wish it so, and its cool. Then Sawyer and Jack both wish Kate was fucking them so she appears but like two of her to go home with each of them. Hurley wishes that in the past the Dharma Initiative dropped food on the island, and they do, explaining the biggest mystery of LOST!

Manny says "Well my work here is done!" and everyone is like "Cool Thanks, how do we get off this rock?"

Manny says "I guess the only way to realize that you've been found is to realize that you were never Lost."

Jack contemplates this.

"Hey what's your name anyway, dude" Hurley says.

Manny opens his mouth to speak...


Matthew Jahns is LOST


Shot of Smoke Monster Locke facing Jack in the rain on the precipice of a mountain: “Don’t try to stop me, Jack. You can’t. You just don’t have what it takes.” “Don’t tell me what I can’t do!” screams Jack, attempting to tackle Locke, who then transforms into the smoke monster and tosses him off of the cliffside. “Don’t follow me!” Locke calls after the falling doctor. Shot of Ilana’s party discovering Jack at the base of the mountain, beaten and bloodied, now bearing a scar over his right eye identical to Locke’s. Shot of Lepidus’ helicopter flying into smoking volcano hole, slow motion. Shot of Kate running up to and kissing Sawyer in the Dharma barracks, then pushing him away and slapping him. Hard. She angrily accuses him: “How could you do this??? Juliet loved you!” Kate runs away into the jungle. Shot of Sun and Jin sitting together at a fire. Jin shows Sun a black rock given to him by Locke and she shows him a white rock given to her by Jacob. Shot of Jack, Hurley, Frank, and Richard exiting helicopter in the interior of the volcano. Slowly reveal among the smoke a mysterious ball of white light. They approach the ball to find a man crouched on the ground. He looks up at them. It’s Jacob. “Somebody get this man some pants,” quips Frank. Bodiless Jacob monologue while a montage of scenes from throughout LOST plays: “I picked you for a purpose. You are special. And the Other, he wants to destroy that which is special. If he gets off this Island, everything special in the world will die. It’s up to you now to stop him. You must confront him at the Tower. He’ll be waiting. I only hope that the gifts I gave you were enough.” Shot of Smoke Monster Locke from behind, exiting the jungle to reveal an enormous tower that stretches into the sky as far as the eye can see. “Game over,” he says ominously.


Jack, Ilana, Ben, Richard, Sun, Jin, Frank, Hurley and Miles arrive at the tower to find Smoke Locke’s party waiting, which includes Sawyer, Sayid, Claire, Cindy, Zack, and Emma.

“Where’s Kate?” demands Sawyer of Jack.

“I thought she was with you,” says Jack, perplexed.

Meanwhile Hurley and Miles discuss the metaphysics of the show.

“Wait, what about the sideways universe?” asks Miles. “You know, the one where I’m a cop and you’re the luckiest man alive?”

“Dude,” answers Hurley, “you really have to keep up. It’s all about magnetism or some other sciency stuff. You know how on magnets there’s a positive and negative side? Well that was like the negative side. But Desmond made it go away with his Magneto powers or whatever. Where were you for that?”

Miles sighs: “I was on a beer run. What terrible timing—”

Kate bursts out of the jungle full speed, but practically trips over herself when she recognizes the scene before her.

“What’s everybody doing here?” she asks confused. “Hey, is that a giant tower stretching into the sky? I can’t even see the top!”

“Well, now all of the candidates have arrived. Let’s get this show on the road!” Locke calls out. Everyone else looks confused.

Suddenly out of the jungle emerges the mysterious young blonde boy.

“Indeed all of the candidates are assembled. As a reward all of your individual gifts is now maximized in their potential. Use them well.”

“Who the hell is he???” shouts Miles.

“This is the weirdest damn dramatic climax I’ve ever been to,” observes Frank, disgusted.

“Get in the chopper, Frank,” commands Ilana.

“What? I left it like a mile away though—”


“Alright, alright.”

Frank exits into the jungle.

Smoke Monster Locke turns to the rest of the assembled: “Well, then. How about first to the top gets to remake the universe in his or her own image?”

He smiles wryly before turning into the smoke monster and flying up the spiral staircase that winds around the entire tower.

With that, the race is on! Everyone starts running up the tower stairs while humorous upbeat music plays in the background, similar to the race to the treasure scene from the cat burglar Simpsons episode. Hurley quickly loses energy and shifts into a determined walking ascent. Suddenly a gigantic bird swoops up past Hurley and continues on, and with seeming purpose attacks the extras leftover from Smoke Monster Locke’s party, knocking them off the tower and sending them plummeting toward their dooms.

It’s victor cry as it continues up along the tower, leaving the humans far behind: “Hrrrrrl-EIIIIIIIIII!”

“Dude! It’s that bird again!” shouts Hurley.

“All of your friends are racing to the top of a ridiculously large tower on a magic island to confront you’re dead friend who’s possessed by a smoke monster and you’re freaked out by a goddamn bird!” exclaims Miles. “I really don’t get you, man.”

“Hey, why aren’t you racing to the top with the rest of them?” asks Hurley.

“I’ve already got what I want,” says Miles, clutching the bag of diamonds.

Jack runs determined, like T-1000s made flesh, up the tower stairs. He passes by Sawyer who watches with unrestrained distaste. Sawyer grimaces, shakes his head, and then speeds up to catch Jack.

Suddenly bodies start falling on the stairway from above, raining down on our heroes. They are the corpses of various cast members who died in past seasons. Daniel, Charlotte, Boone, Shannon, Libby, Analucia, Dogen, Lennon, Ethan, Alex, Rousseau, Carl, Arzt, Naomi, Michael, and Tom are among other less notable corpses. They rise from the ground, and proceed slowly toward our heroes, their faces gaunt and expressionless.

“Looooooosssst,” they mutter in unison.

Daniel stumbles toward Miles, who in turn trips his former compatriot, knocking him off of the tower and tumbling down to his doom.

“Sorry, Dan. Hey, what happened, happened, right?” he quips.

Charlotte watches Daniel fall, then turns toward Miles, twisting her head to the side as though questioning his actions.

“Oh, no one liked you anyway!” he says, pushing her off of the tower as well.

Jack and Sawyer attempt to dodge around the zombies and continue their ascent but Sawyer is waylaid by Juliet.

“Douuuuble Duuutcchh?” she asks, attempting to embrace Sawyer. He punches her in the face, knocking her to the ground. He looks down at her struggling to get up. He is angry, with tears in his eyes. With newfound determination he races after Jack.

Zombie Dogen flips down the staircase at Sayid who unlocks his now fully realized powers. He uses Kill to dispatch Dogen with ease. He turns to Shannon.

“But I looooove uuuuuu” she moans as he twists her head in a complete 180.

“I met someone else,” he returns as he lets the body fall to the ground.

“Myyyy Sissterrr. Love. Her. HER. LOOOOOST!” cries Boone, attempting to rush Sayid with help from Lennon. Sayid Kills and both explode in flames.

All of the corpses are dispatched in this manner, mostly by Sayid, since he is the Killing specialist after all. Meanwhile Jack and Sawyer continue their race to the top, with everyone else following in their wake.

Jack and Sawyer reach the summit, the top of the tower. At the center of it is a giant obelisk, at the base of which rests a giant wheel, which Locke is cranking with determination. This is it: either the candidates stop Locke or he wins the Game.

“STOP THIS!” shouts Jack, pulling out a gun and pointing it at Locke.

“It’s too late Jack!” says Locke, continuing to push the wheel.

Suddenly Sawyer pistol whips Jack from behind. Jack collapses.

“He’s right Jack. It’s over,” mutters Sawyer.

“Thank you, James,” says Locke. “Now come over here and help me with this crank.”

The bird arrives and swoops down on Locke, pecking at him and driving him away from the wheel. Locke turns to Sawyer, looking for help. Sawyer instead has Conned Locke and turned his gun him.

“Sweet dreams, Boogey-Man,” he quips, before unloading the clip on him.

Locke’s body shatters and the smoke monster emerges, tossing to the edge of the tower where he hangs for his life. It consumes the bird.

The other Losties arrive to this scene.

Kate sees Jack unconscious and Sawyer hanging from the ledge. She hesitates an instant before choosing to save Sawyer. She pulls him up and they look deeply into each other’s eyes. Then she remembers Jack and leaves to go check on him. Sawyer curses and punches the tower.

Illana stands before everyone as they watch the battle between smoke and bird. Illana holds an RPG.

“This is our chance! While it’s distracted we can destroy it. If everyone attacks at once we can beat it!”

“Maybe we should let the bird take care of it,” suggests Miles. “Hurley seems to think the bird is important or something, and it’s holding its own pretty well, I’d say.”

“Why doesn’t Mr. Killer over here take a shot at it,” suggests Sawyer, hobbling over to the group and gesturing to Sayid.

“Or I could just Kill you,” proposes Sayid with an evil smile.

“People, you need to listen to me! The whole reason I am here is to help you! Help! You! Not me! I don’t get anything out of this! Do you think I like this? That this is fun for me? Listening to you bicker and complain and question? I am doing you people a favor! But no, no gratitude, no thanks. Just more pointless talking! It makes me want to—” Ilana drops the RPG in disgust and explodes. (Audio of Sad Trombone).

Suddenly the whole tower shakes. During the rumbling a large object rises up to the tower’s spire, casting its shadow of the entire cast and obscuring the sun completely. The behemoth approaches, its every step a localized quake. It is the remains of Ajira Flight 316, reconstituted into a mechanized exoskeleton. Its pilot is Charles Widmore.

He laughs maniacally, launching a barrage of missiles into the monster. The large bird breaks away from the smoke monster and perches atop the obelisk.

Shot of Jack’s eye, with Locke scar, opening. He looks up to see Kate smiling at him.

“This Island is mine!” screams Widmore. “It belongs to me! And it is priceless. You aren’t good enough to drink my scotch, you certainly aren’t good enough to be on my Island.”

He opens fire with machine guns on the Losties who duck for cover. Kate and Jack are still separated from the group and Widmore turns his attention to them. Kate Runs Away with Jack, saving them both.

The fires from Widmore’s volley against the monster die down to reveal the smoke intact. It stretches out a smoke arm and rips of one of the mech’s arms. Widmore turns back to it and unleashes the flamethrower built into the chest of his mechanized monstrosity. The smoke is driven back. He turns back to the candidates, who are now trapped against the tower’s edge, flamethrower still ablaze. Suddenly the frame of his machine starts to creak and shake. Individual pieces begin to fly loose, screws and bolts. Sheet metal begins to tear off, shredding itself apart. A whirlwind of metal debris accumulates around the skeleton of the mech, Widmore screaming inside. A glowing ball of light slowly ascends from the Island below. It is a luminescent ball of magnetic energy manifested around Desmond. He stops to float at level with Widmore.

“Don’t worry, Charles. I’ll take care of your daughter, and your scotch for you while you’re away on your trip,” says Desmond.

“No! Magnus! Don’t!” screams Widmore in vain. The whirlwind of parts speeds up and rises into the air. Desmond sends the mech, and Widmore with it, shooting into space.

He lands and his magnet ball dissipates.

The candidates walk towards him but the smoke monster swoops in between them.

“That’s enough of that, brother,” says Desmond, holding his hand out and slowly closing his fist.

The smoke starts to vibrate, then condense and coalesce. It is forced into a human shape, the black shirted man.

“And I think you’d best come down as well,” says Desmond to the bird.

It swoops down and when the camera catches up to it on the spire’s ground it has taken the form of Jacob.

Jacob and Black Shirt stand beside the enormous wheel, staring each other down.

Desmond turns to the candidates. “You have to choose. You can all leave together with the black shirted man or one of you can take the place of the white shirted man.”

They all look around at each other. Claire is the first to make her move, knocking down Cindy and grabbing Zack and Emma. “You’re both named Aaron now! Aaron!” she screams as she carries them down the steps, giggling maniacally. She trips on the steps and they all tumble off of the tower, falling to their deaths.

Cindy screams in despair and rage. She turns on the others, livid. “This is all your fault! You people are monsters! Those kids were all I cared about! And your stupid, stupid conflict has gotten them killed!”

“Oops?” says Sayid with a grin.

Cindy screams again. Sayid Kills her.

“You really are a piece of work, you know that?” shouts Miles. Sayid Kills him as well.

“Anyone else?” he asks. No one answers. He smiles and walks down the steps of the tower, leaving everyone else behind him.

“Ok, so what now?” asks Sawyer. “Any of you geniuses have a bright idea?”

“I think maybe it’s time for them to stop pretending,” says Hurley slowly, carefully.

“Pretending? What do you mean, pretending?” asks Sun.

“I mean that’s still not what they really look like,” says Hurley.

“Why are we continuing to play this little game when we all know it has moved to the next stage?” asks Black Shirt.

A swirl of smoke blows away, revealing Mikhail.

“Mikhail? I thought you were dead,” says Kate.

“What about you?” Sawyer asks Jacob. “Who are you really?”

Jacob gets brighter, shines from within himself, a bright white light. When the light fades, Hurley is standing in his place. A different Hurley. His hair is white. This is a wise, aged Hurley. He wears an all white suit. In his hands is a rubik’s cube, except every side is white. Nonetheless he shifts the sides and tiles around, solving a puzzle no one else can understand.

Everyone looks at Jacob-Hurley and then at Hurley, who looks as surprised as everyone else.

“Dude,” he murmurs.

“Dude yourself, Hugo,” says Jacob-Hurley. His voice is deeper, bass-ier.

“Do not trust him,” cautions Mikhail. “He may look like your friend, but that man is not your friend.”

“Perhaps you ought not inflict such vicious slander onto me considering your own current circumstances?” responds Jacob-Hurley, with another turn of rubik’s cube. “I am more me than you are you, after all.”

Mikhail smiles his evil smile. “Perhaps.”

“Enough talk,” says Jack resolutely, marching up to the wheel. He looks at the two “men” at either side and starts pushing the wheel so that it rotates in Jacob-Hurley’s direction. Mikhail grimaces.

“I wouldn’t do that, my friend,” says Mikhail.

“And why’s that?” asks Jack, when Sawyer jumps on his back and throws him off of the wheel. The two men roll across the tower floor, grappling and punching each other. Jack manages to get on top of Sawyer and proceeds to beat him mercilessly. He gets up and walks back toward the wheel. Mikhail lunges and grabs Jack by the throat, lifting him clean off of the ground.

“I told you not to follow me, Jack. Now I have to kill one of you.”

Desmond raises his hand and points at Mikhail, who explodes into smoke. He recombines once more, this time in a bulkier form. Rather than Mikhail, he is revealed to be Mr. Eko. He is dressed in a luxurious black suit, black shirt, etc. He carries a deck of cards that he shuffles distractedly. Both the backs and faces of the cards appear to be completely black with nothing on them.

Jin and Sun look at each other. “Let’s get out of here, Sun. There is nothing for us to do here,” says Jin. He takes her hand. Their Love opens a portal. On the other side is the caves, but without the airplane wreckage. The caves from sometime long before the 815 crash. They step through the portal and it closes, leaving them to their fate.

The remaining persons suddenly hear the chopping noise of Frank’s helicopter.

It rises to face them. Over the sound of the helicopter Frank yells, “Come on! Let’s get the hell out of here!”

“We can’t!” shouts back Jack. “We have to finish this!”

He looks at the others, who are resolute as well, except Kate.

“Sorry, Jack,” she says, turning to the helicopter.

“You’re Running Away? Now?” he shouts.

“It’s what I do!” she shouts back, then jumps off of the tower spire, landing in the helicopter, which then turns and flies off.

Jack marches back toward the wheel. Eko grimaces but doesn’t attack, continuing to shuffle his cards.

“Wait just a sec, there, doc,” says Sawyer, getting up from the ground, bloodied and beaten. “Let’s think about this. Are you sure we should be pushing that damn wheel towards Grandpa Hurley over there?”

He turns to Jacob-Hurley. “What the hell is all this? Why are we supposed to push this damn wheel anyway?”

“Dude, it’s just a game,” replies Jacob-Hurley. “You shouldn’t take it so seriously.”

“I need you to trust me Sawyer,” says Jack. “I know what I’m supposed to do now, for the first time in my life.”

“We’re with you, dude,” replies Hurley, joining Jack in pushing the wheel. Sawyer sighs and starts pushing as well.

Jacob-Hurley smiles at Eko. The crystal set in the middle of the wheel begins to glow white. The white light gets brighter and brighter as they continue pushing. Jacob-Hurley makes one last move on his rubik’s cube, which clicks loudly to signify his victory. He looks at Eko.

“Checkmate, Mr. Eko.”

The white light envelopes the screen.


Shot of sail boat landing at familiar beach. Two young but fully grown blonde men, Aaron and Charlie. Exit the boat onto the beach. They lay down a blanket on the beach, and on top of the blanket a game board. They lay out a game of checkers, with black and white pieces. Aaron is black, Charlie is white. They play their game in silence, the only sounds heard being the rolling waves, the wind, and gulls. Aaron manages to reach Charlie’s end of the board with one of his pieces. He looks up and smiles, about to speak when an explosion shakes the beach and their game. They look up in the sky to see a 747, flaming and broken up into pieces, flying towards them at high velocity. The screen goes black at the sound of collision.


"Are you sure this is where you want to be?"

"Look around you!" says Sawyer.
He is holding Vincent in his arms. Jack and Kate look terrified.
"Sawyer don't..."
"Shut up, Jack!" interrupts Sawyer, "Freckles, you with me?"
"James, I-"
"Don't call me that!"
"Why do you keep interrupting everybody, dude?" Hurley chimes in.
"I got my damn reasons, tons o' fun."
"Sounds like somebody's having a temper tantrum." says Frank Lapidus.
Sawyer cocks Vincent like a shotgun and fires him at Frank. The Smoke Monster comes flying out Vincents mouth and kills Frank Lapidus. Everyone is astonished. Sawyer breaths heavily and stares everyone down one by one. Hurley. Miles. Jack. Ben. Kate. Richard Alpert. Claire. He stares them all down. The smoke monster retreats back into Vincents mouth. Vincent wimpers and then grows to 100 feet!
"So like I said..." Sawyer begins.
Vincent grows and grows until he is as large as an oil tanker.
"Look around you! There ain't nothin' here left to protect! Who's coming with me?"
Everyone but Jack boards the humongous Vincent by way oh him biting the back of their respective shirts and flinging them onto his mighty back. Sawyer hesitates to be the last one to board. He looks at Jack.
"Not too late, doc." Sawyer pleads.
"It is for me. I'm gonna stay." Jack responds.
"Ok cool."
Sawyer boards Vincent and joins the ensuing party onboard. They listen to Jimmy Buffett and drink real hard as Vincent does the doggy paddle all the way home. Jack looks on, smiling as the sun sets.
Jack turns and enters the jungle. He turns this way and that. Eventually he stops and heads in the opposite direction, then back the way he came. He doesn't recognize his surroundings. He runs until he hits the beach. He looks back at the jungle and puts a hand to his forehead in bewilderment.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Not like this... not like this...

Friday, May 7, 2010


The man in black is fighting Jack while the island is flashing through time. It flashes one last time as Jack stabs the man in black and it cuts to Jack's eye opening. It is back at the beginning of the series.

"And that's the way it ends. What do you think?" Boone is pitching a new TV show to JJ Abrams.

JJ Abrams leans back in his chair and says "I don't see it working as a series....maybe a MOVIE."