Friday, May 14, 2010

"Are you sure this is where you want to be?"

"Look around you!" says Sawyer.
He is holding Vincent in his arms. Jack and Kate look terrified.
"Sawyer don't..."
"Shut up, Jack!" interrupts Sawyer, "Freckles, you with me?"
"James, I-"
"Don't call me that!"
"Why do you keep interrupting everybody, dude?" Hurley chimes in.
"I got my damn reasons, tons o' fun."
"Sounds like somebody's having a temper tantrum." says Frank Lapidus.
Sawyer cocks Vincent like a shotgun and fires him at Frank. The Smoke Monster comes flying out Vincents mouth and kills Frank Lapidus. Everyone is astonished. Sawyer breaths heavily and stares everyone down one by one. Hurley. Miles. Jack. Ben. Kate. Richard Alpert. Claire. He stares them all down. The smoke monster retreats back into Vincents mouth. Vincent wimpers and then grows to 100 feet!
"So like I said..." Sawyer begins.
Vincent grows and grows until he is as large as an oil tanker.
"Look around you! There ain't nothin' here left to protect! Who's coming with me?"
Everyone but Jack boards the humongous Vincent by way oh him biting the back of their respective shirts and flinging them onto his mighty back. Sawyer hesitates to be the last one to board. He looks at Jack.
"Not too late, doc." Sawyer pleads.
"It is for me. I'm gonna stay." Jack responds.
"Ok cool."
Sawyer boards Vincent and joins the ensuing party onboard. They listen to Jimmy Buffett and drink real hard as Vincent does the doggy paddle all the way home. Jack looks on, smiling as the sun sets.
Jack turns and enters the jungle. He turns this way and that. Eventually he stops and heads in the opposite direction, then back the way he came. He doesn't recognize his surroundings. He runs until he hits the beach. He looks back at the jungle and puts a hand to his forehead in bewilderment.


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