Tuesday, March 2, 2010

1 Wedding and a Tornado

In the alternate timeline, Jack and Kate are getting married. Mr. Eko, who is officiating the marriage asks if anyone objects to the union. The door of the church swings open. "I do!" A thunderous gasp comes over the wedding party as they turn to see another Jack.

"Who let this sodding lunatic in here?" Charlie asks as he gets up from the organ. Just then the roof tears open. It is a giant John Locke. "I did!" yells Locke as smoke pours out of his mouth. The smoke engulfs the entire church, sweeping the entire wedding into a tornado of memories.

The tornado tears through the entire country. Stopping finally on the beach in LA. "Why did it stop?" Kate asks. "It must see something." Says Jack (the REAL Jack).

"Yeah, me!" it is Sawyer on the beach with a shotgun. "And I ain't alone either!" A helicopter flown by Frank Lapidus then lands on the beach. Sayid, Desmond, and Daniel Faraday leap out with flamethrowers. They subdue the smoke monster and it reverts to it's true form: Walt.

Walt gets up and addresses our heroes. "Thank you all. For trapped within that beast, I was forever


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