Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Previously on Locke

The guy who does the "Previously on Lost" voice is sitting around at a party in the dorms. Everyone's real stoned and keeps trying to get him to do the voice. He's all high and shit going like "I don't do that voice for under 2 grand a day y'all!" And they keep on pestering him until he finally does it.

"Previously on LOST."

The place goes apeshit. Two kids doing a keg stand do an upside down spit take just as the RA walks in. A non-traditional student, the RA looks just like John Locke!

"Holy shit!" someone says "It's Locke."

"Locke, you mean like from Lost?"

"Yeah dude!" Says Hurley.

"No, I just look like that actor. And you guys are being way too loud."

"It's this guy's fault dude." Says Hurley, pointing to the narrator guy.

The narrator gets this "oh shit" look on his face as the RA who looks like Locke grabs him by the shirt and drags him out of the dorm building.

The next morning we see the narrator's eye open. He is surrounded by party litter just outside the dorm building. Having little recollection of the night before or how he got there, he realizes that he is hopelessly...


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