Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Dharma Initiative

There is a wormhole on the island. The wormhole was created by Vincent ingesting the Smoke Monster, and Jacob ingesting Vincent. The wormhole is sucking everything and everyone on the island through it, and Locke beleives that if they travel through the wormhole, they will finally understand what the island is.
On the other hand Jack thinks that flying through the wormhole will do something catostrophic.

Locke says to Jack, "Sometimes you just have to be a man of faith"

Jack says "John"

Locke says "Yeah Jack"

Jack says "I'm a beleiver"

Locke says "I knew you had what it takes"

Jack is getting intense now. With Locke they lead the whole camp to get on Ajira 316, which Lapidus has safely rebuilt.

One by one everyone starts to get on the plane. As the wormhole begins to close, Frank gets Ajira 316 (now a plane helicopter hybrid) in the air.

Later, Frank Lapidus is circling around the island in Ajira 316. A rope ladder hangs down from the chopper and one by one Desmond, Hurley, Aaron, Richard, Miles, and Arzt are trying to climb the ladder. They are the last people to get on the ladder. Right as Desmond reaches the top of the ladder, the wormhole closes, leaving these 6 characters on the island, at the very beginning of time.

Jacob comes out and says "You should have taken more initiative."

A light bulb collectively goes off in all their heads, and they form the Dharma Initiative.

Through the wormhole, the plane copter is traveling through the space time continuum. They come out the other side, and a look of awe spreads on the faces of all those in the cockpit.

"What the hell is this" Lapidus says.

"I think we took a wrong turn" Kate says.

Ben walks into the cockpit.

He says "Guys I think we're


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