Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Happy Ending

The Smoke Monster turns into thousands of Medusa Spiders and starts killing everyone on the island. The first to go is Jack, then Kate, then Sawyer. Ghost Jacob, Ghost Michael, Ghost Charlie, Ghost Shannon, Ghost Libby, Ghost Ana Lucia, Ghost Eko, Ghost Locke, Ghost Tom, and Ghost Alex are powerless and can do nothing to stop this massacre.
In another part of the Jungle, Sayid is having a one on one fight with Ben.

Sayid says "You made me what I am, you made me this monster!"

Ben says "How ironic!"

And they keep fighting. The volcano has errupted. Bloodshed. Hurley jumps from the lighthouse tower, as Medusa spiders crawl up the shaft just so he does not have to die in such a painful way.

Sitting alone in a prison on Hyrdra Island, Desmond is crying in his cell.

Well this is it he says as he opens up a bottle of MacCutcheon whiskey. He grabs "Our Mutual Friend" and begins to read it; looking at the photograph of he and Penny.

Except it's not Penny. It is a photo of Daniel Farraday. From the future.

It's not just a photo; it's a hologram.

"Desmond" Farraday says.

"Aye, brotha."

"Only now do you realize you're importance. Do you remember when I said the rules don't apply to you? When I said you were special"

"Aye Brotha."

"Well I think it's time to break the rules now. You are the fail safe. You are the island."

The hologram burns up and disappears. A look of profound understanding appears on Desmond's face.

He stands up.

"I love you PENNAY!" he says.

He closes his eyes, and time moves backwards behind him. Desmond moves to the beginning of time, where he meets The Smoke Monster as a child.

Desmond says "Why are you doing this brotha."

The Smoke Monster says "Because I have to... It's all part of the game."

Desmond stares at him.

"Life is not a game brother. Until you realize that you'll always be Lost."

The Smoke Monster opens his mouth, and all of this smoke just starts pouring out of his mouth. In the smoke appear the faces of all the men and women he'll kill. Vincent runs up and The Smoke Monster pets him.

Desmond says "Hey that's vincent, what is he doing here?"

The Smoke Monster says "That's not vincent; it is my Dog, Jacob. Thank you my friend. Thank you for finding me."

Desmond says "If you stay true to your heart, you'll never get Lost."

Desmond closes his eyes and returns to the present.

No one is dead. Instead A dharma plane flies overhead and drops a large shipment of food off.

Hurley says "Dude. Let's party!"

Everyone on the island gets ready for the party. Jack intensely cooks up some burgers. Kate comes up to him and kisses him, and their son David smiles at how cool his parents are. Dogen gets to have another catch with his son. Lennon and Hurley's dad are smoking pot with Rose and Bernard.
Ben and Rousseau have a picnic, and Alex talks to them about her sex life with Karl. Ben doesn't want to hear any of it.
Aaron is returned to Claire, by Charlie and they kiss. Charlie gets down on one knee and says "Claire will you marry me?"
He puts the drive shaft ring on her finger.
Illana and Frank Lapedus seem to be hitting it off.
Hurley and Libby are making out on the beach. Dave comes up to bother them, and Hurley's like "Dude a little privacy!" Libby looks scarred. "What is it" Hurley asks. "That's my husband" she says. "But he was a jerk anyway." Dave disappears.
Michael and Walt play a game of backgammon. Ana Lucia walks over, and gives Michael a hug.
Eko is reunited with his brother.
Boone and Shannon are arguing about something, but then they realized that they still will always love each other. The island folk seem okay with it.
And Sayid ends up with Naomi.
Charlotte and Farraday have a moment.
Miles reunites with Pierre Chang.
Phil and Radsinski reveal that they're gay.
Mikhail comes and brings a little eye patch that he puts over Aaron's eye. He and Claire and Charlie all laugh about it.
Desmond and Penny are alright too, and they seem to be quite content.
Sawyer though stands alone on the island, looking at all the joy people are having; still cold and still better.
"So this is it? Go figure..."

"At least I still got your back"

Sawyer turns around; it is Juliet, more beautiful than ever.

They kiss and it's all perfect.

There is a final shot of everyone partying, and in the sky are three ghosts. One is Jacob. The Second is The Smoke Monster. And in between the two is John Locke who smiles with an orange peel in his mouth.


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