Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Episode #:END

Jack, Sawyer, Kate and Hurley sit on the beach in front of a burning island- a temple smoldering behind them. There is a buzzing growing louder and louder. They all look to eachother in confusion and fear

"Whaaddya think that is?" Hurley says scared.
"What am I Professor Plum, cause I ain't got no clue." Sawyer says.
"I don't know, Hurley, whatever it is, it's headed this way." Jack looks around for answers.
Their heads turn to the source over the starry endless bounds of the South Pacific. A small seaplane appears, blinking lights on both wing tips, it's coming down for a landing.
"Oh my God! Finally!" Kate says, pulling both Sawyer and Jack up to a standing position. They all wave frantically, a light shines on them. Hurley jumps up for joy and bear hugs the lot of them.
The plane lands skimming the water just off shore. The gang jumps into to water meeting it. Not caring, Not worrying because really, what else could happen to them. The Door opens. Frank Lapidus is behind it smiling back, knowing, looking off into the distance maybe with an inquisitive sexy look like he just handed destiny an orgasm. He lifts Jack, Kate and Sawyer into the plane. Then with one hand and not even a slight bend of knees, he lifts Hurley clean out of the water.

"Goddamnit, you guys, I got some explaining to do to some TWINS but I figured I had to save a few friends' butts though."
"Dude we thought you died!" Hurley says.
"What are you? On high drugs? I'm the goddamn legend your parents told you to be warned about." He smiles again, "And I'll buy those drugs if you have them."
Lapidus gets behind the control deck and they take off smooth
"Shouldn't you worry about following Faraday's coordinates out? You know, so we don't get nosebleeds and die?" Jack asks.
"Did we leave the beach?" Lapidus asks him back.
"I'm Sorry?" Jack is Confused.
"Did we leave the beach?" He repeats.
"Uh Yeah."
"Then get the fucking sand out."

The flight goes great. Hurley is complaining about water in his ears, and Lapidus flys the plane while talking to Kate about surviving the largest recorded orgy. And maybe at one time calls Jack a pansy ass. Unfortunately, Hurley decides hopping up and down is the best way to get water out of his ears. This causes the plane to go out of control and nearly killing the four friends in ANOTHR crash.
Upon what looks to be their final moments of life, Jack reveals he cheated in that "Contest" with Sawyer, and Kate tells Jack "I've always...", but Lapidus manages to steady the plane before she finishes. They make an emergency landing in the small town of Latham, Massachusetts.
While killing time in Latham, waiting for the plane to be repaired, they witness an overweight man getting carjacked at gunpoint. Instead of helping him, Sawyer cracks jokes about his size while Hurley films it all on his camcorder, then they proceed to walk away. The victim notices this and tells the reporting officer, Ana Lucia's Sister, Hanna Lupita. The four main characters are then taken into custody for violating a duty to rescue that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation. Because this is the first case implementing this law, the prosecutor wants to find out everything he can on Jack, Sawyer, Kate and Hurley in order to win.

A lengthy trial ensues, bringing back many characters from past episodes as character witnesses testifying against the group for their "selfish" acts from throughout the series who many thought were dead. Carl, Walt, Artz, Mrs. Faraday, Clementine and a Nigerian Drug Lord. The overweight man who was carjacked, and several others are called to the witness stand, among many more enemies and acquaintances.
Their attorney mounts the defense that the witnesses are only exaggerating to settle scores with the four and that the four did not want to get shot by the criminal; even Hurley's mother tries to get them released by offering to have sex with the judge. The four are found guilty, and sentenced to one year by Judge Charles Widmore.
In the final scene before the credits, the four main characters sit in a jail cell - strangely unfazed by what has just happened to them, still concerned mostly with the fate that has always preoccupied them. Jack begins a conversation about Kate's shirt buttons, using lines from the first episode ("Well, fear's sort of an odd thing."). Kate then wonders if they have had that conversation before.

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