Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Stars

A helicopter flies over the island. The helicopter radio is playing "Downtown." We see the pilot crying, it is Frank Lupidus.

As Frank weeps, he lands his helicopter in the hole where the hatch used to be and descends into a secret lair.

Lupidus exits the helipcopter. He steps out into a control center filled with televisions and large blinking buttons. The countdown clock says 108. Frank walks toward the clock, wiping the tears from his eyes.

A man with white hair stops him. "Listening to that song again, huh Frank?" As the man turns around, we see it's Charles Widmore.

"Yeah, Charlie. Get's me everytime." says Lupidus.

"You should let silly things like that get to you, I never do" Charles replies.

"I know. It will all be over soon."

Lupidus stands under the countdown clock, looking up. "Only 108 minutes," he says to himself. "I can fly from LAX to SFO in less time than that."

Christian Shepard appears, he's dragging a cannon behind him.

"The cannons are waiting to be loaded. Bring out the artillery!"

Charles Widmore brings out Sayid, Kate, Shannon, Boone, Charlie, Claire, Mr. Eko, Nikki, Paulo, Daniel, Miles, Charlotte, Jack, Sawyer, Hurley, Jin and Sun.

"It's time we showed our true faces." Charles, Lupidus and Christian all take off their races revealing their true alien-creature selves. They have horrifyingly ugly faces comprised of labrador retriever noses, beady bird eyes and malnourished baby cheeks.

"What are you?!" Screams Jack as he tries to break free from his chains.

"We are aliens from another planet, responsible for creating the universe. We brought you here to help us."

"Help you do what?"

"Finish the sky."

One by one the LOSTies are stuffed in the cannon and shot into the sky. Sun and Jin request that they are shot into the sky together. Charles Widmore, and his labrador retriever nose, oblidges.

After all the LOSTies are gone, Charles Widmore, Frank Lupidus and Christian Shepard stand around and furiously shake each other's hands. "Congratulations comrades. We've finished Earth and boy, does it look beautiful." The three of them look up into the sky to see a new constellation beaming in the night sky. The stars spell out


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